Clinical Skin and Hair Care
We here at Dr. Vohra's Skin Clinic offer many services for both Clinical Dermatology (skin) and Trichology (hair). Whether your concerns be about Acne, scars, pimples, moles, new growth on the face, hair loss, warts or many others, our expert dermatologists are here to answer and treat all your worries and concerns. Some of the services we provide include:
Pigmentation management
Scar Control and reduction
Skin Loosening and wrinkles
Warts, corns, skin tags
Melasma (skin pigmentation in pregnancy)
Vitiligo (Skin whitening in patches)
Birth marks and patches
Milia (small white papules)
Alopecia management (loss of hair and balding)
Fungal Infections
and many others
Please do no hesitate to call us on 062920-09990 or email us at vohraskinclinic@gmail.com to set up your next appointment and get the best possible you.